Keeping the mind always happy is the secret of health!

Don't make your mind hurt by other people's behavior, don't whine, don't collapse...let the mind always be happy. This is the secret of health.

Similarly, if a snake comes near us, the heart rate increases immediately. When we sit with our eyes closed, even if 100 snakes pass by us, our heart rate does not rise...! The heartbeat didn't increase because the snake was gone, it increased because our mind was responding to it.

Heart rate which should be around 72 beats per minute, increased to 150...

Let's see how it is turned out:

When the mind is anxious, angry, scared, adrenaline hormone is secreted rapidly. Immediately the muscles of the whole body get a special strength. Like the body, the heart muscle also contracts, causing the heart rate to rise. The intensity of this rise depends on the mental capacity of the individual.

In a person with low energy in Rasadhatu, the muscles overreact to even a small amount of hormone secretion, the heart rate increases. Then all the blood vessels of the body are constricted and the blood flows rapidly. Slowly Blood pressure. It goes on and on.

Thus, if our mind is constantly reacting to other people's behavior and hurting our mind inside, the first hurt will always fall on Rasadhatu. In this instant, the body's Rasadhatu drops drastically.

Then the klesha tolerance drops considerably. This means that the tolerance for small things decreases and irritation becomes our nature. It is a powerful cause that brings about all diseases immediately.

So, to avoid any disease, one should practice calmness. No matter what happens outside, if you stay calm inside and continuously shape your life as you want, taking the responsibility of the good and bad on your own shoulders, you will surely have peace with you forever.